We’re supporting our local post office!

As with so many villages and small towns in the UK, our post office is regularly threatened with closure because it’s not meeting with enough of its ‘targets’. For someone like me, a mum with two littlies and no second car, a local post office that I can walk to is invaluable. So we’re supporting our local post office by sending out books (most days) come rain or shine… The super-slick distribution service that is Mother’s Milk Books is powered by my legs, and the buggy wheels…! We go out in most weathers, and if the weather’s fine we stop off at the playground afterwards. Now how many other book distributors do that?

The book is here!

So the book, or rather, books are here, and we’re trying to keep on top of orders, payments, invoices, packaging and trips to the post office! I’m really pleased with the ‘heft’ of the book, as such, because it’s printed on glossy paper so that the colour illustrations have a real depth to them. Only problem with a heavier book is the increased postage costs! I’ve had a flick through the book, but haven’t had a chance to read it. Too busy keeping up with distribution…

Hope you enjoy it!

I’m losing the plot…

We’re all enjoying the novelty of having some hot summer weather, but it often means that my son is up with me at nighttime when I’m trying to do some work. I’m often typing away with him sat on my lap, as he forensically examines my wallet. I try to stay philosophical about it all. Being philosophical is my thing. 😉

It means that I’m making slow progress on the book and the e-commerce platform, and right now it feels as though I’m losing the plot…

So when I found the little ‘bendy’ man in the clutter beneath my cluttered desk the other day, I could empathise with his plight.

(By the way, since taking this photo his head has been glued back on.)

First review – yikes!

Lois Rowlands, La Leche League GB’s Publications Director had this to say after reading through the first draft of Musings on Mothering:

“A heart-felt and honest collection of art, poetry and prose from all around the world; its celebration of mothers and motherhood (and fathers!) is moving and deeply human.”

I was touched by her positive review. I really don’t think I can wish for better words.

I know that as a mum I sometimes set myself unrealistic goals, and try to be ‘superhuman’ and all things to all people, but I’m learning to accept that being superhuman is not necessary. Being human – with all the trappings and failings – really is enough. (And by the way, I have a wonderful poem about that in the book!)

Our first advert in the wonderful Breastfeeding Matters members’ magazine is due to be out soon, and I’m frantically working on tying up loose ends. It’s all very exciting, but very busy too! I’ll try to keep you posted!

Never judge a book by its cover…

So the saying goes. But in reality we can’t help but do this, consciously, or subconsciously. We all have preferences, or leanings, towards a certain colour, text font and style. So the moment a person looks at a book cover, some sort of judgement takes place. Some may find that after time a book cover that they thought plain, or boring at first takes on an entirely different meaning… perhaps after they’ve read the book. Or maybe not. The design of book covers is a huge field in itself (as I’m just now discovering!) and trends in certain styles of book covers come and go…

As I’m now in the process of designing the cover of Musings on Mothering I find myself studying many, many book covers. I know that the design I end up with won’t please everyone – that, of course, is an impossibility – but I can’t help at least striving for universal appeal.

After much reflection, though, I have concluded that the main aim is to make the cover appealing enough to make an interested person want to pick up the book (or read the accompanying electronic blurb) and take a leap of faith and actually buy it.

Once they delve inside I am pretty certain that there will be something to hold their interest…

A cartoon me!

My talented brother-in-law created this image of me from a photograph. I think the way he’s done the cartooning is great and I appreciate the time he spent doing this. Thanks a lot Matthew!

The days go by…

So February 29th – the deadline for submissions – came and went… and my inbox was impressively full. I wanted to immediately get going with the collating of all the work but technical issues with the website meant I had to put the submissions aside for a while.

I now find myself in the wonderful position of producing a book full of work from great writers and artists. I am putting the contributions together now and am thoroughly enjoying matching art with words.

Thanks again to all those folk who took the time to submit work for the anthology.

I’ll keep you posted on the book’s progress…

Mummy, I love you because…

At a recent La Leche League meeting I went to, romance was in the air… well, it was more that mother love was in the air…

Some meetings focus on breastfeeding challenges and difficulties, and how to overcome them, but this February’s meeting the focus was on us, as mothers. We got little chocolate hearts with a label that said “I love you mummy because…” and we had to fill in what we thought our baby or toddler would say. It was lovely to just reflect on what we, as mothers, mean to our children and to take a pause from the daily hubbub of life.

“I love you mummy because…”

hmm… perhaps a good start to a poem?